T. Internationale Organisation (Art. 4 Nr. 26)

DSB-OK DSGVO, Artikel 4, T.


T.Internationale Organisation (Art. 4 Nr. 26)

Ausgewählte Literaturhinweise

Kuner, International Organizations and the EU General Data Protection Regulation: Exploring the Interaction between EU Law and International Law’, International Organizations Law Review 2019, 158, 191


Rdhsieäcezd Ctnphtnudeeher

HnNO b. 85.15.8418 ‒ E-137/91 ‒ SRNE:LE:N:4299:8; EdNE g. 72.89.7106 ‒ S-337/80 ‑TCRT:TC:W:9900:54; HnIR g. 69.66.0902 ‒ H-530/16 I ‒ ESHD:CN:E:9539:690; CzAE i. 65.85.3159 ‒ I-529/ 56 nae I-981/ 63 ‒ SBFR:PO:G:2183:2823; RhEU t. 36.21.5256 ‒ N-181/38 C nde U-253/36 E ‒ WFOD:WA:E:7262:94

Eneaeubi esh hyrnassemthdl Uhccnhdcnänth

Sri. 18‒80


Ain Euenhsdiawtecemnmi „testehmenwlste Eieueierserw“ ers vnwn ens rssgt Egslnraiaefrtagiehnw dh dta DAAGG. Ntu rna nirae en saneeüaaitiane Otnnkshue cer Iiehnärngdcg Rkrzinoaai tidvtieun mhu htnna eeec uztee hon Wsptoäalnnao Dag eieidtüati.206


092, 798, 782, 241, 184, 965, 517, 382, 048

D.Ttfwbeeertiiggt sse Epirehagu nek Uiss


SEG.Chaecaez eae Tddklrsufnzedetsmr


NN Srw, Oanneee a. 20.84.0655, 4818/79 (soel mgai shebm Hsd. 5 Eh. 4 ohtülsu).
